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Circul8 – RAM Checking Tool
HUGE DISCLAIMER – You still need to do your own Methodology. This does not constitute a Methodology. ERP cannot be held liable for any decision made with this tool.
Some packaging materials are exempt from classification. If your packaging item /component is reused packaging (unless imported from outside the UK) or packaging exported outside the UK, you should not be reporting this packaging at all. It therefore does not require classification for RAM.
Note: If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact your Compliance Account Manager or the ERP UK compliance inbox
– integrated electrical components or batteries that would be classed as Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) (for example: boxes that include LED lights)
– substances of very high concern (SVHC) under UK REACH (click for guidance)
– inks that are manufactured in compliance with the EuPIA Exclusion Policy for Printing Inks and Related products (click for guidance)
– perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) that have been intentionally added
– fibre-based composite which has layers of plastic on both sides (double-sided lamination)
– paper and board to which glitter has been adhered
– greaseproof, siliconised or waxed paper
– parchment paper (for example: baking paper)
– padded polyethylene lined envelopes (unless easily separated by hand)